Be sure to use Unity's builtin fullscreen button to make the game playable.

This abomination of a game was made in around 2 hours, where I just tried to get some base mechanics in while adding two more unique mechanics to shake up a game that is among thousands of others that are so extremely similar.

I  did not know what to do until I saw this jam and then it took me a while to get a decent concept.  This was inspired by a short clip of a guy who recreated a Titanfall 2 level that seemed like it had an interesting mechanic at work. Never played Titanfall 2 though.

Hopefully there aren't any bugs(impossible).

Feedback would be greatly appreciated as I know this is a pretty crappy prototype but please let me know if this could be worked on. I have a few ideas of how it can be improved(namely, visual stuff, but if I made a full version I would need to learn how to make shaders correctly).

Made in 2:30 by Knight-fall, with two sound effects from


Soul Beat - Seth_Makes_Sounds.


Warping - LloydEvans09.

rest by me.

THIS GAME IS A TEST - of course it's bad!


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Very cool concept. Wish I had some visual for airdash and a sense of where the platforms will spawn.

Unfortunately buggy (dashes inconsistent and lost my jump at one point), but impressive nonetheless.

Thank you so much for playing! I will try to make the game less buggy.

Also, I'm thinking of some time stop mechanic or something to make one have more sense of where to go. Good feedback.